The Team at El Mirador de Catarina!

The Team at El Mirador de Catarina!
Granada and Mombacho Volcano in background!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Time is flying by...

I can't believe I (Ashley) have already been here two weeks! Time has absolutely been flying by - and every minute has been one I wont forget!

This morning we kicked off the day with breakfast and coffee - the BEST coffee I'v ever had! Don't worry, I'm leaving all of my clothes here and filling my bag with this coffee so you can all have some ;) So after breakfast we worked for hours taking pictures of the rest of the students in the secondary school for the cards that they are putting together. Bryan and Courtney had a lot of fun making faces to get the kids to smile :)

After taking hundreds of pictures we had lunch with the children and rested up for a bit. For lunch today we had beans and rice...JUST beans and rice! I'd never imagined how much I'd love just boiled beans and rice! Because oil is so cheap here the Nicaraguan people fry almost everything! To eat beans and rice that hadn't been fried was a nice change ;)

After lunch we got to work painting the Mission Center. It's amazing to think that just a few years ago when this school opened these rooms were used as classrooms! So much growth has taken place here, I can't even imagine the way it was before - with just dirt floors!

Well just finished up dinner (fried rice and vegetables :) and now we're heading to bed, another long day ahead of us tomorrow!

Miss you all so much! Stay tuned for more!

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Welcome to Our Blog!

Note! I moved many of the pictures to the bottom of the page, under the blog posts!

If you are here to follow Bryan's adventure (after this trip) go to

The first two weeks of our trip will be spent at the New Hope Children's Foundation in El Crucero, Nicaragua! Here we will blessed to serve at this Christian orphanage and school!
For an idea of what New Hope is all about, please visit this website:

Then we will proceed to the colonial city of Granada, Nicaragua where we will take an intensive spanish program and stay with Nicaraguan families! We will also spend much time in and near Cocibolca (Lake Nicaragua) as well as on the dormant Volcan Mombacho, which towers over the city!

After a week in Granada we will head to Costa Rica, where we will also take intensive spanish courses... and spend much downtime on the BEACH! 

After this fun-filled week some of us will return to the USA, and others will return to New Hope for two more weeks of service...

Then Bryan will be joined by others as he flies down to Lima, Peru... to eventually complete a 7 day trek through the Andes to Machu Picchu!

It will be the summer of a lifetime! Be sure to keep track of our adventures right here!

Starving Children...

Starving Children...
We found and fed these little girls in the jungle today... notice their bloated stomachs... these girls are literally starving...

Katie and Ashley pass out food in the jungle...

Katie and Ashley pass out food in the jungle...

Bryan's Kayak Adventure to Isla Chora

Bryan's Kayak Adventure to Isla Chora

This family of countless children had literally no food in their house...

This family of countless children had literally no food in their house...

A child with one of the beanie babies we brought from home...

A child with one of the beanie babies we brought from home...

Cody is Bananas!

Cody is Bananas!
Cody has finally lived his dream!

Bryan in Lago de Nicaragua... Volcan Mombacho in background!

Bryan in Lago de Nicaragua... Volcan Mombacho in background!

Costa Rica!

Costa Rica!

Playa Samara, Costa Rica

Playa Samara, Costa Rica

The Girls in Granada!

The Girls in Granada!
...from atop a cathedral!

Sharing Some Love...

Sharing Some Love...
Cody and Katie give beanie babies to children in Managua.


best buddies get to see each other after a year!

Crocodile Adventure!

Crocodile Adventure!

The Girls...

The Girls...
at the mirador...

Cody Flies Over Managua...

Cody Flies Over Managua...

Zip Line in Managua!

Playa Carillo, Costa Rica

Playa Carillo, Costa Rica